Drug Marketing and Distribution Company (EMCOMED)

Distributor in the wholesale trade of medicines and specialized logistics services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries of Cuba
Vento Road, btw Railway Line and Miraflores Alley, Cerro
Postal code
(+53)76487996, (+53)76464103, (+53)76464131, (+53)76489512
Contact person's name
Angel Luis Chacón Padrón (General Director) - Daymi Pérez Nuñez (Marketing and Business Director)
Short description of the company
Wholesale Commercialization and Distributor Company, belonging to the BioCubaFarma Group, founded in 2005, created with the aim of closing the productive cycle of medicines and other products, from the logistical processes of import of inputs to their national distribution to the Health Institutions.
Company`s description
With more than 17 years of foundation, EMCOMED is an innovative company in constant development with wast experience in the wholesale commercialization of medicines and specialized logisctics services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries of Cuba. Our clients producing, importing and exporting companies of BioCubaFarma Group, Cuban Health System Companies and Third Parties Companies. EMCOMED has more than 200 specialized vehicles for dry cargo, refrigerated, tanker and dangerous substances. EMCOMED is certified as a Center for Scientific and Technological Services, granted by the Technology and Innovation Directorate of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment and has a Quality Management System, certified in the ISO 9001:2015 by National Office of Standardization of Cuba (ONN). It offers services that include: Integral services to the industry, destruction of medicines and other products not suitable for human consumption, cargo transportation, technical support and infocommunications, storage and handling of products, logistics services for the management of research products in clinical trials, exportation services and pharmaceutical supply management service.
Partner search
Companies specializad in logistics
Partners that provide financial capital to strengthen the logistics capacity of the BioCubaFarma Group
Short content description
The proposed foreign investment modality is the creation of a mixed company, as a User of the Mariel Special Development Zone (ZEDM), with the tax advantages and special regimes applicable to Foreign Investment in the ZEDM
The programme is co-financed by the Slovenian Enterprise Fund and the European Union, namely from the European Fund for Regional Development. It is carried out on the basis of the Substantial Support of Fund Recipients (SME) programme from 2018 to 2023 within the framework of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy from 2014 to 2020.