Center for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (CIDEM)

Pharmaceutical products
26th Avenue Number 1605 between Boyeros Avenue and Calzada de Puentes Grandes
26th Avenue
Postal code
(+53) 7881-0830 / (+53) 7881-0818
Contact person's name
Alejandro Saúl Padrón Yaquis, PhD. (General Director)
Short description of the company
CIDEM is a company of the Group of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries of Cuba, BioCubaFarma, with more than 25 years of experience in the research and development of generic, innovative and natural products, in different stages of their development up to their industrial scale and commercialization. The cycle of the company ranges from the conception of the research to the transfer of technologies and the negotiation of projects that are in different stages of development, counting on a quality system that harmoniously interweaves organization, qualified personnel and resources, contributing to this way to raise the health levels of our population, as well as the scientific and socioeconomic development of the country. CIDEM has played a decisive role in the development and strengthening of the Basic Table of Medicines in Cuba through the development and registration of more than 450 products, with a notable contribution to the country through import substitution and a contribution in increasing the therapeutic arsenal of National System of Health. CIDEM directs its efforts towards a High Technology Company, combining the scientific potential of its workers, experience in research-development in the biopharmaceutical industry and the development of productive complexes.
Company`s description
CIDEM has different lines and facilities for the development of R&D&I activities focused on obtaining Innovative Products (New Chemical Entities and New Therapeutic Entities), Generics, Natural Products, Diagnostic Products and others related to health. MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE RESEARCH MANAGEMENT: Experimental Neuropharmacology: - Design and evaluation of novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. - Experimental platform for the evaluation of neuroprotective compounds. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: - New peptide molecular entities with potential anti-infective activity. - Development of alternatives for the detection of pyrogens in parenteral products. Toxicological and Antitumor Genetics: - Evaluation of DNA damage. - Obtaining new molecules with antineoplastic potential. - Standardized assays (in vitro and in vivo). LABORATORIES: - Pharmaceutical Technologies - Chemical Synthesis - Pharmacological and Toxicological Research - Pharmacokinetics and Bioequivalence - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Analytical The company's pipeline focuses on the following therapeutic areas: Neurology, Oncology, Anti-infectives and Pain. ***Main innovative projects protected by patents: - CIDEM-501-503: Antimicrobial peptides targeting multidrug-resistant bacteria. - CIDEM-112 (JM-20): New multifunctional neuroprotective agent for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other types of dementia. - CIDEM-113 (JM-20): New multifunctional neuroprotective agent for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. - CIDEM-121 (KM-34): New neuroprotective molecule focused on the treatment of cerebral ischemia. - CIDEM-211 (JM-20): New chemical entity with antihypernociceptive effect, directed to multiple targets in models of persistent and neuropathic pain.
Partner search
CIDEM requires venture capital investors and R&D companies for the development of different business modalities such as: - License and/or Co-Development Agreements. - International Economic Partnership: Joint Ventures and International Economic Partnership Agreements in Cuba and abroad. - Technology transfer agreements. - Cooperative productions - Commercialization of products and services.
Analytical services Toxicological services Manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements. Research and development of innovative, generic, supergeneric and diagnostic products.
Short content description
CIDEM is looking for partners to establish partnerships focused on: - Improving the conditions of CIDEM laboratories to provide services with high standards certification. - Manufacture and commercialization of pharmaceutical products and nutritional supplements in Cuba or Slovenia. - Co-development of pharmaceutical products.
The programme is co-financed by the Slovenian Enterprise Fund and the European Union, namely from the European Fund for Regional Development. It is carried out on the basis of the Substantial Support of Fund Recipients (SME) programme from 2018 to 2023 within the framework of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy from 2014 to 2020.